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The Baron and the Mistress Page 3

  Red fury glowed in her eyes. “Do you think that if there was anyone we would have asked for assistance? We have no relatives or at least none that I knew of. My father died penniless and in debt. His few friends and colleagues turned from our family long ago. When my mother married Barrington shortly after my father’s death, his friends became hers. We were fleeing from him. We couldn’t go to his acquaintances. There was no one, I tell you. No one.” Her voice was emphatic.

  Tears threatened, Ash could see her struggle to remain in control. A sick feeling settled in his gut. “What did this man do to you all?”

  Chastity gulped. “I really do not wish to discuss this in detail, but I will tell you he is depraved. As soon as my mother passed he made it very plain what he wished. He had special plans for us all, especially for Jon, and I could not allow it. The situation became so desolate I started sleeping in Jon’s room. One night, Sir Nigel crept in and I knocked him senseless. We fled that very night.”

  How admirable Chastity’s fierceness in protecting her siblings. Then a hot, raw anger replaced Ash’s admiration. Damn Barrington for taking advantage of three impoverished orphans.

  Grimes knocked and entered carrying a tea tray with assorted sandwiches and fresh fruit and placed it on the table between them. “We can look after ourselves, Grimes. Have the rooms adjoining mine made up and a hot bath poured for Miss Chastity. Then have the maid come and fetch her in thirty minutes.” Placing Chastity in the rooms next to his said plenty of what her status would be while she resided here. At my beck and call for all manner of sensual pleasure. Chastity frowned briefly, but said nothing.

  “As you wish, my lord.” Grimes replied.

  The butler closed the door behind him. A look of ravenous hunger spread across Chastity’s face. Good God, to be that famished. May he never know the feeling. “Will you pour, are you able?”

  She flashed him a scathing look. “I haven’t forgotten parlor manners.”

  Tired, drained, and beaten down by circumstance, she still showed courage and determination. The thought of unleashing all that passion in bed stirred his cock to life once again, which reminded him of the matter at hand. “Then by all means, pour. We will speak more of Barrington tomorrow, but for now we will discuss our personal arrangement. As you heard, you will be in the rooms next to mine. There is an adjourning door. I will be visiting you quite often as I am of an amorous nature. Will you become all missish about coupling with me with your brother and sister under the same roof? Because I will not have it.” Her hand shook as she poured the tea, but she didn’t answer. Handing him the cup and saucer, he reached for it and stroked her fingers with his. Just that slight contact heated his blood to the boiling point. “Shall we agree on a term length for this affair?” He sat back and took a sip, continuing to keep his voice cool and formal.

  “I will agree to whatever term you say,” she replied in a quiet, deferential tone.

  Ash did not care for this subdued side of her. He preferred it when her chin was raised in stubborn defiance, her eyes flashing with heated emotion. “For God’s sake, Chastity. Don’t stand on ceremony, eat. When is the last time you ate fresh grapes?”

  Without hesitation she filled her plate. It warmed him to see her partake of nourishment, but kept his face devoid of emotion.

  “Let us say—one year. With option to renew,” he said. Good Christ, it sounded like he negotiated rent on a townhouse. Well, he would be receiving loan of her body. “I will employ a governess for Jon and Hannah since you wish them to continue with their education. I will feed and clothe them as I will you. Also, I will provide an allowance and pin money to spend or save as you please. At the end of the one year I will pay you three hundred pounds. Any clothes or gifts I deem fit to give you are yours to keep. If after the one year you wish to remain as my mistress, we will discuss new terms. Is that satisfactory?”

  Chastity ate with some haste, but daintily, proving she’d been brought up well. She reached for more fruit. “And if you should tire of me before the year is up, what then my lord?”

  As if that would happen. If she knew how ferociously he desired her, how fiercely his blood raged with lust, she would run screaming from the room. “Then the contract is broken and I will pay you the three hundred pounds regardless.”

  She frowned into her cup. “I cannot understand why you want me.”

  Did she have no idea how beautiful she was? Granted, she stood a pale comparison to the young lady he observed at the ball, but a few weeks of good eating would fill those lush curves to their previous voluptuous state. Would put color back in her pale cheeks as well. He wished to see her hale and hearty again. Most of all, he wanted to banish the weariness that seemed to ooze from her every pore.

  Society dictated he keep this arrangement professional and detached. Isn’t that what one did with mistresses? They were on retainer to perform a service, nothing more. It would be wise to keep his distance in more ways than one, at least as far as his emotions were concerned. They had parts to play—of a lord and his kept woman. No emotion, no small talk, no companionship needed. Sex. And lots of it. Nothing else. Perhaps he should keep his distance literally, at least for a few days, except for the bedroom of course.

  “Tomorrow morning I will move temporarily to my club. It is wise I keep separate lodgings until you are settled. Then we will have to discuss other permanent accommodations for the future. You and your brother and sister cannot remain here on a long-term basis. And you do not need to know why I want you. Just know I do and I will have you. Do you agree to the terms? I will have the contract drawn up tomorrow and you will be in my bed before the sun sets.”

  Chastity placed her cup and saucer on the tray. Lifting her head, she met his gaze. No emotion showed on her face. “I agree. And I assure you I will not become missish over this agreement. My brother and sister will be told of the circumstances and will accept it. I ask one thing. I do not want my stepfather to know we are here.”

  Ash frowned. “Why, how old are you? Does he have guardianship over you all?”

  Chastity squirmed in her seat. “I will be twenty-one in four months.”

  Hell. She had not reached the age of majority. This could be a legal and societal muddle. Barrington could petition the court to have the Armitage siblings returned to him. Ash had more questions, but it could wait until tomorrow. The maid entered and escorted Chastity to her room. Ash slumped in his chair and nibbled absently on a cucumber sandwich. He had the distinct feeling he’d taken on far more than intended. All for the chance of getting between those lush thighs.

  Damn and blast his lust.

  Chapter Five

  Chastity soaked in the warm, lilac scented water. Jon and Hannah had already retired to adjoining rooms in the attic. The maid, Anna, assured her the small sleeping chambers were clean and well appointed. Lord Ash had a modern bathroom with water coming in from pipes attached to a gas heater. She’d never seen the like.

  While soaking, her thoughts turned to the recently knighted Barrington. While living with him, her family was not what London society would consider rich. At least the four years they all lived at his residence they were given clothes, food, and a roof over their head. But at what price to their mother? Chastity was ashamed to admit she hadn’t given her poor mother much thought the past two years except in anger and disbelief. How could she marry another man so soon after papa’s death? After a few weeks they were whisked off to Sir Nigel’s with the shocking and sudden news of his marriage to her mother. They’d no time at all to mourn or to adjust to the loss of their father. Also, how could her mother leave them in the care of that horrid man she married to begin with? Granted, there was no one else. What option did her mother have? Now that she reflected on it—none. She realized her poor mother had no choice but to marry. A woman alone had no options. She understood what that entailed more than anyone.

  Chastity twirled her fingers in the fragrant water. Before her mother died, she’d said Barrington promi
sed to see Chastity well wed and settled. Since he’d become Sir Nigel, it opened doors previously closed to her middle-class status and background. Her mother informed her: “You will attend balls and entertainments and be introduced to men of means, men of the peerage. You are very beautiful; surely there is a decent man who would marry you regardless of your lack of standing and dowry. Sir Nigel gave me his word. Marry well, my dear, and look after your brother and sister.”

  How could her mother know she would die unexpectedly before Chastity’s future was settled? That left them in Sir Nigel’s care. Of all people. The promised opportunities to make a fine marriage no longer existed. Gone in a puff of smoke and empty pledges.

  At first, Sir Nigel kept his word. After a short period of mourning, Chastity did attend one musicale and two balls. Met important titled young men, a couple of them even showed interest. Lord Ash had seen her at a ball and later sought her out? It all came too late. She pounded the water with her clenched fist in frustration, the soapsuds splashing on her chest.

  No marriage in her future as she was well and truly ruined. Why not the next best thing? A mistress under the protection of an affluent baron would see them well looked after. Yes, the maid told her his full name and title. Lord Asher Colborne, Baron of Wenlock. She liked the name. It fit him. He did act every inch the lord except after she’d finished her oral ministrations on him and he became rather flustered. Ash must have liked it since he sought her out and brought her here. Perhaps she would be spending a lot of time on her knees going forward. Oh, heavens.

  A one year contract? The affair wouldn’t last that long. A handsome man of the peerage has many distractions. She would be one—for a time. Then what would happen? Her mind raced, forming scenarios and possible outcomes. Her thoughts drifted to her brother. Jon could apprentice in some sort of respectable trade. How unfortunate she could not sew worth a farthing. The one reason dressmakers did not hire her the past two years though she’d tried to obtain employment at various shops. Should she insist Lord Ash find her a decent position somewhere after he tired of her? Yes, a codicil to the contract.

  Another urgent topic drifted into her mind. Children. There were ways to prevent it, surely. She’d heard prossies talking about such possibilities in the alley. The last thing she wanted was to be large with his child. Then again, she would be set up for life wouldn’t she? Didn’t men generally look after their bastards? She cringed at the word. No, not all did. She knew of a few ladies working the streets who were by-blows of various members of the aristocracy. No one looked after them. No one cared. Another addition to the document. Chastity became so lost in thought she did not hear the door open.

  “Enjoying your bath?”

  The deep, masculine tone shocked her back to reality. She lowered herself in the tub until the waterline and lingering suds hid her breasts. How silly. I’m to be his mistress. “Yes, thank you.”

  Lord Ash stood at the foot of the tub with arms akimbo. With tight black trousers and a white shirt open to the waistband, he was disheveled and piratical in look. An expanse of his powerfully built chest showed to advantage and Chastity bit back a soft moan at the delicious sight.

  “I informed Anna I would see to you.” He pulled over a stool and sat next to her. After rolling up his sleeves, Ash took the cloth and rubbed it with the bar of soap. “Sit forward. I will wash your back.” His forearms were muscular and dusted lightly with black hair, very appealing.

  While his voice was soft, it also held a husky cadence that aroused. Such intoxicating masculinity. What did it matter if he saw her naked. Dear heaven, she had his shaft in her mouth. Without thinking, her gaze slid to the bulge in his trousers. He sat with his legs spread and the material molded to him, how could she not see it. Grasping the sides of the claw foot tub, she leaned forward. Slowly he swirled the cloth about her back in a seductive manner. “I...I thought of a couple of items to add to the contract,” she ventured.

  “Did you, indeed? Astound me.”

  Oh, his touch was magic. Ash moved his cloth-covered hand lower to the top of her buttocks. Stroking with such concentration, such—skill. “I will require that you see my brother learns a respectable trade or becomes an apprentice. He must have a chance at life. Some alternate employment should be investigated for me as well for the future. Also, I want to prevent children.” The words tumbled out of her so fast she wondered if Ash even understood what she said.

  With a gentle grip, he pushed her upright and swirled the cloth across her breasts. “You are far too thin. We will remedy that.” Chastity shuddered with desire at his ministering. “You have no need to fear me. While I do enjoy a quick rut, I can be a considerate and thorough lover when I put my mind to it. Take satisfaction and pleasure in the fact you will bring me to my knees. I will do for you what you did for me.”

  Ash interpreted her trembling as fear. She would not tell him any different. Ash spread her legs and the cloth stroked between them. “I will lick and taste you here until you beg me for release.” The cloth made a quick motion to arrive at her breasts again. Her nipples hardened into painful peaks. “You are so responsive. I will lick and suck you here as well until you are wet and plead for my cock.”

  “I will never beg.”

  In a deliberate slow manner, he continued to stroke her nipples. “Yes. You will. Many times. And I believe you will make a beggar of me. We will enjoy ourselves, Chastity. There is much more to sex than being taken against a wall though the position has merit.”

  She could not take much more of this. Already a deluge of sensations tore through her body at his nearness while he explored her with such capable thoroughness. Keep your head, Chastity, think. “You did not answer my question. What of children?”

  “There will be none. I will pull out before completion or I will use French letters. My seed will not make a child, I will see to it.”Ash dipped the cloth in the water and continued his methodical exploration across her chest and between her legs. They parted of their own accord to allow him access.

  “I am to trust you, then?”

  “Yes. Leave it with me. I will make inquires for your brother as well. He should have a trade or occupation. And for yourself if you like.”

  Thank heavens. She exhaled in relief. Chastity glanced at his face which held such an intense concentration on his task. “What are French letters?”

  A brief bark of laughter left his throat. “My God, you really are an innocent. They are sheaths. I wear it on my shaft and my seed collects in it so it will not take root in you.” Ash leaned down and licked her nipple causing her to flinch and splash water on the floor. He flicked faster across the nub until she moaned. Lifting his head, his half-lidded, sensual stare seared her. “Do you feel that? Every nerve ending has sparked to life. Between your legs, you’re wet and throbbing. You, my dear, are aroused.” He dropped the cloth in the water and stood, his prominent erection at her eye level.

  “So are you, Baron Wenlock.”

  What possessed her to say that in such a sultry manner? It appears she had become a wanton. The room, already warm and humid from the bath, shot a couple of degrees higher.

  “Perhaps we should dispense with contracts and proprieties and fuck each other right now,” he growled seductively.

  Oh. Her insides dipped and rolled excitedly at the prospect. She could not think of anything to say.

  “Regardless, I am not a complete beast. You need your rest. Goodnight, Chastity.” He gave her a curt bow and strode from the room.

  The door closed and none too softly. Chastity began to tremble in unfulfilled desire. She had the distinct feeling she just stepped into a lion’s den.


  “Wake up, Chastity!”

  She sat up suddenly and her vision came into focus. It took a few moments to realize where she was. Exhaustion covered her last night so she did not get a chance to inspect the room. It consisted of sturdy, light oak furnishings and the four-poster bed was indeed large and comfortable. The
color scheme spoke of a feminine touch with its rosebud wallpaper and creamy fleur-de-lis contrasts. Jon and Hannah stood by her bed wearing oversized nightshirts.

  “We’ve had our breakfast. A maid brought it to our rooms, can you imagine?” Hannah chattered, more lively than Chastity had seen the ten-year-old for a long time. “Porridge, toast, fresh fruit, pastries, and I ate it all!”

  Chastity smiled warmly at sister’s enthusiasm. Seeing this reaction to a decent breakfast made her decision easier to bear. Jon, however, remained sullen and silent. He had no doubt guessed the reason they were residing at a rich lord’s townhouse. “We should take care not to overeat at first. We are not used to big portions and we do not want to make ourselves sick.” Hannah nodded in agreement. “I have something to tell you both. I am in Baron Wenlock’s employ. There will be a contract for one year with a salary and incentives, including a governess for you both and eventually an apprenticeship for you, Jon.”

  Her brother curled his lip in obvious disgust.

  Confusion crossed Hannah’s features. “Are you to be his housekeeper?” she questioned.

  “No, my dear. I am to be...” How mortifying. How to explain to an innocent, young girl?

  “His whore.” Jon spat.

  Hannah gasped. They all knew the word well enough and heard it shouted many times in the hallways at the dosshouse. Anger tore through Chastity’s veins. She scrambled from her bed, clutched her brother’s arm and gave him a firm shake. “Would you prefer we’d stayed in that miserable room without money for food, heat, or light? Starving to death? Or would you prefer the workhouse where we would have been separated forever? I am doing this so we will have a future, especially you, Jon! I will not have you disrespect me or Baron Wenlock. This is a perfectly acceptable arrangement in society and you know it.” She grasped his chin and made him look at her. “Or would you rather we go back to Sir Nigel, where he would press his immoral advances on you and Hannah both?”