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The Baron and the Mistress Page 5

  The governess, a middle-aged woman named Miss Elizabeth Tallen, had settled in and immediately engaged the children into furthering their education. The woman had been a lucky find. Since the night they arrived, Ash had no contact with the younger Armitages. Regular reports were received from Grimes, but the time had come for him to speak to the governess and inspect the schoolroom. The room had never been used for such a purpose. As far as he knew his father bought this residence after his mother died as he could no longer bear to live at Wenlock Manor. The memories of his departed mother were simply too painful for his father.

  Ash tossed aside his letters and newspapers and exited the study. Enough speculating, he would investigate for himself. Standing outside the schoolroom, he could hear animated, young voices. Without knocking, Ash opened the door and stepped in.

  The chatter ceased and the two children and governess turned to face him. The latter stood as the young girl, Hannah, smiled prettily and gave him an adorably awkward curtsy. “Good afternoon, your lordship,” she said.

  Ash bowed. “And good afternoon to you, Miss Hannah.”

  A sunny smile broke across her face and he gave her one in return. Lovely child. The lad remained seated and gave him a scorching gaze of contempt. Ash raised an eyebrow at the disrespectful look.

  The governess, Miss Tallen, was not unattractive and possessed a kind face. Threads of gray intermingled with the brownish-black shade of her hair which was pulled back in a tight knot. Her hairstyle and the dull gray wool gown she wore completed the middle-aged governess look. Miss Tallen smiled and greeted him with perfect diction, “Good afternoon, my lord. I am very pleased you could join us.” She turned her gaze to Jon and the smile slipped away. “Master Jon,” she said firmly, “stand and greet his lordship.”

  Jon’s eyes narrowed, the look of contempt deepened. Ash could see the lad struggled with defying the governess’s command. With a slight sneer, he pushed back his chair, the legs scraping along the wood floor. He stood with his eyes cast down and shoulders hunched forward in disrespect. “Good afternoon—my lord.” The last two words were spat out, the venom plain in Jon’s speech.

  The governess began to sputter, but Ash held up his hand and shook his head. No use admonishing the boy, it would only deepen the scorn so apparent in Jon’s speech and comportment. Ash chose to ignore the obvious insolence. “Please, be seated.” The siblings did. “Tell me, Miss Tallen, how do you find your students? Feel free to say whatever you wish. I am sure Jon and Hannah are most eager to hear your assessment.” He gave Hannah a playful wink, and she smiled once again. One day she would be as beautiful as her older sister. Out of the corner of his eye, Ash caught derision in the lad’s expression.

  “Both children are bright and intelligent. Hannah shows great promise in arts and music and Jon possesses a keen mind and a sharp understanding of everything around him.” Jon shifted uncomfortably in his seat, flushing in embarrassment at the praise. Did Ash see a slight smile curl about the lad’s mouth? The boy was pleased by the governess’s compliment.

  “Is that right?” Ash stood next to Jon’s desk, then tapped the open book. “What is it you are studying?” Jon looked away, ignoring him completely.

  “Jon, you will answer his lordship immediately!” Miss Tallen admonished.

  Ash grabbed a chair and pulled it over to sit next to him. He leaned in and whispered, “You do not have to like me, Jon, but in this schoolroom you will show respect when in your sister’s and Miss Tallen’s presence even if it is to me. I am not the enemy. Now, tell me what you are studying.”

  Moisture gathered in the lad’s eyes, but he did not shed them. Jon cleared his throat. “I am studying Latin, my lord.” The voice was cool, but steady.

  “An interesting and ancient language and certainly needed for further higher education. Well met, Jon. In my study I have numerous books on the subject as well as Ancient Greek and various tomes on history if those topics interest you. Feel free to borrow any book you wish.”

  Jon turned to face him. “Really? I can borrow any book?” His eyes widened and a slow smile creeped across his face. As if remembering to whom he spoke, the smile disappeared and a cool, impassive expression returned.

  Ash stood. “Of course you may. I would extend the invitation to you, Hannah, but I doubt very much you would find anything of interest. Inform Miss Tallen of what books you may like and I will see they are purchased.”

  “Oh, thank you, my lord!” Hannah smiled.

  “I will leave you to your studies.” Ash turned toward Miss Tallen. In a lower voice he said, “Anything you need for their education please inform Grimes. We will spare no expense.” Ash stood by the door, his hand clasping the handle. “Hannah and Jon. I wish you both to join me for dinner tonight. I will inform your sister of the details.” He bowed. “Good afternoon.”

  Hannah called out a response, but Jon said nothing. Shaking his head, Ash stepped into the hall and closed the door behind him.


  Chastity sat in her room as she had done the previous five afternoons. A small fire snapped and crackled in the hearth. Since she could not sew or embroider worth a tinker’s damn, she didn’t have much to occupy herself with. While she did borrow books from Ash’s study, and as much as she enjoyed Dickens, Trollope, and revisiting the works of Jane Austen, she could not concentrate on reading.

  Absently, she fingered a wayward tendril of hair. All of them had their hair cut the day after they arrived. “Lucky you don’t have lice,” Anna, the maid, had commented when snipping the dry and uneven ends. Chastity did try her best to keep their living area as clean as possible under the circumstances. Still, they did have fleas on their clothes when they arrived to the townhouse. No wonder Ash ordered their few possessions burned including their meager wardrobes. Chastity was not sorry to see the clothes destroyed.

  Not only could she not concentrate on reading, but sleep became impossible even though the bed was comfortable and warm. She lay there early in the evenings listening to Ash on the other side of the connecting door moving about his room. The stubborn man seemed as restless as she, but Chastity couldn’t bring herself to knock on the door. Pride kept her in her room. Then she’d hear him depart for his club, or perhaps to another woman, not to return until later the next afternoon.

  This situation had grown intolerable and it not even a week since she arrived. She relived their erotic encounter over and over in her mind, but remained puzzled as to what caused Lord Ash to withdraw and turn cold and unyielding. Did she do or say something inappropriate? Chastity sighed. What did she know of affairs, mistresses, and the proper decorum involved in such an arrangement?

  Did she mistake what passed between them? Regardless of the two brief tups she’d endured, she never experienced such passion before. Was it always as such? After observing the bored look on the prossies faces in Shag Alley she rather doubted it. Perhaps her expectations were so low that what occurred between them became heightened and intensified. Chastity closed her eyes and recalled how wantonly she sat on the edge of the table with legs spread, Ash kneeling at her feet licking her. She shuddered with yearning as she wanted him between her legs again—her eyes popped open. What in heaven’s name was the matter with her?

  A soft tap at the door interrupted her heated thoughts. “Chastity? May I come in?”

  Oh no, Ash. Her nipples hardened at the sound of his deep, melodic voice. How utterly hopeless. Chastity reached for her shawl and pulled it around her shoulders. Exhaling on a shaky breath, she fought to gain control of her emotions. “Yes. Come in, my lord.”

  Ash crossed the threshold, closing the door behind him. His presence was intoxicating as always. He wore his afternoon suit as well as he did all other clothing he wore. Knowing what masculine perfection lay underneath the black wool made him vastly appealing. Heat rushed to her cheeks. Damn her reaction. She could hide nothing of her feelings.

  “I have just visited your siblings. They appear to be thriving.”
Why would he bother with my brother and sister? Ash stepped closer, motioning to the chair across from hers. “May I sit?”

  “Of course.”

  He lowered himself into the leather wing chair and then crossed his long legs. “I wonder if you could share your experiences of the past two years.”

  She frowned. “Why? Do you wish to be entertained?”

  Ash rubbed his temple and blew out an exasperated breath. “Of course, your tragic tale would amuse me to no end. I revel in the downfall of people beneath myself. God, Chastity! What sort of man do you think I am?” His voice raised in sarcastic annoyance.

  “I don’t know what kind of man you are, my lord. How am I to recognize what amuses a man who has been handed everything on silver and lives for his own selfish gratifications?” she snapped.

  Ash shook his head. “I have experienced loss. Both my parents are dead. Not everything has been as easy or smooth as you believe. As for my gratifications...”

  “I am sure there have been a vast multitude of willing women,” she interrupted crossly. Oh, why did she act so petulant? It was none of her concern how many past paramours he enjoyed.

  Ash frowned. “Do you still wish me to share my experiences with you? We can swap tales and regale each other into the wee hours. Yes, there have been a fair number of women, but I’ve never had a long-term association with them nor made any of them my mistress. You are the first. I do not make of habit of bringing strangers into my home.”

  “Then, why me?” Chastity whispered.

  He turned and looked at her, confusion plain in his expression. “I have no earthly idea. Are you telling me now you’ve had a change of heart? I have the signed contract on my desk.” Ash pointed in the direction of his study.

  “Bought and paid for. I’m aware of the contract. I will see it through.” She replied, her voice flat. “I suppose you will be waving that document under my nose at every opportunity to gain what you want like some obedient spaniel waiting for instructions from the all-powerful master.” Chastity was annoyed beyond all reason. Blasted man.

  Ash waved his hand dismissively. “I have no intention of holding the contract over your head or under your nose and I know nothing of spaniels. Never owned one. But enough of this. I do not wish to argue with you. Allow me to change the subject. I am here to extend an invitation to dinner tonight for all of you. I have informed Grimes. Dinner will be at seven in the dining room. I’ve already invited Hannah and Jon and they’ve accepted.”

  “Why? What are you doing?” Chastity clasped the shawl tighter.

  “I will not have us occupy this house as complete strangers.”

  “We have certainly been strangers the last few nights,” she pouted. Heavens, she sounded very much like an ill-tempered shrew.

  He arched a thick eyebrow. “Indeed? Are you inviting me to your room, to your bed? Have you missed my attentions? I thought to give you a reprieve from my base lust.”

  She eyed him askance. “Why do you keep saying that? You seem to have more of a problem with your beastly lust than I.”

  Ash frowned. He didn’t speak for several moments. “You may be right. I will move back to my room at the end of the week. I need a little more time.”

  For what? She did not understand what was going on. The emotions from both of them ran the gamut from irritability to impatience. Did all physical relations have such capricious undertones? How tempting to ask why he needed to distance himself from her. To do so would imply she cared and she didn’t want to reveal her feelings anymore than she already had. If his lordship was determined to keep his distance in both a physical and emotional manner, she would follow suit.

  Ash shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “We should change the subject once again. One thing we need to discuss and that is Barrington’s status, legally speaking. What can you tell me?”

  Chastity pulled at the fringe on her shawl. “I do know mother left a will, though I have no idea of the contents. All the solicitor told me was that Sir Nigel would be our legal guardian going forward.”

  “Why in bloody hell would your mother do such a thing?”

  Another powerful wave of anger rolled through her. “I told you, Sir Nigel kept his unscrupulous interest in us well hidden. It was only after mother passed he showed his true colors. Until then, he treated us with polite indifference. There was no one else to look after us. Were we to be whisked off to an orphanage, then? Or maybe the workhouse?”

  “You would have been better off! You did inform me he still has legal guardianship over you until you reach twenty-one,” Ash snapped.

  “Yes, that’s correct. A few short months and I will be free,” Chastity sniffed. “At least liberated from Sir Nigel.”

  “But not free from me, you mean. You are not a prisoner, nor am I keeping you here hostage!” Ash slammed his fist on the arm of the chair and exhaled in exasperation. “Regardless, one thing to remember: Jon and Hannah are not free from Sir Nigel. They are his wards until they reach majority. Lawfully speaking, they can be returned to him.”

  The anger left her in a rush, fear replaced it. “No! It is why we fled. They cannot be turned over to him. You know what he will do, what they will be subjected to.” Her voice shook as tears spilled down her cheeks. Oh, drat it! She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

  Chastity was surprised by a sudden strong, masculine embrace. She buried her face against Ash’s chest, the wool of his coat scraping her cheeks. He tucked her head under his chin and stroked her hair, whispering words of comfort. “There, Chas. Please, do not despair. I will see my solicitor, Mr. Peebles, to see what can be done.” He stepped back, his arms still about her in a sheltering, gentle hold. He chucked her lightly under the chin. “I do not want you to think yourself my hostage. You must know I would do anything to protect you,” he stated, his voice tender. “And in turn, your brother and sister. I will not see them returned to that miserable bastard. You have my word.”

  She cried out in relief and threw her arms around his neck. How desperately she wanted to believe him. How well could one come to know another person in a matter of days? She must take him at his word, or least try to, as there was no one else to assist them. The ability to trust another fled two years ago. Without thinking, Chastity laid a firm kiss on his lips. Ash seemed stunned. A low, guttural groan left his throat as he pulled her closer and kissed her wildly in return. As quickly as the kiss overwhelmed her, it ended in a matter of moments. Ash backed away until he reached behind him for the doorknob. “See you at dinner promptly at seven.”

  Ash disappeared into the hall. Chastity touched her lips which still ached from the passionate kiss. Remaining indifferent became difficult the more she was in his presence.

  Chapter Eight

  After meeting with Chastity in her room, Ash grabbed his greatcoat, called for his carriage, and made his way to see Mr. Peebles. Luckily, the man was free of appointments and could see him right away.

  What the solicitor relayed was most enlightening. If Mrs. Barrington did indeed have a will, Mr. Peebles informed him, the woman could not have filed it without Sir Nigel’s consent and his full knowledge of the contents. Such were the laws governing female wills. Though Ash made periodic appearances at Parliament in the House of Lords, this could be one debate of judicial reasoning he could get behind: The rights of children and women. A few years ago the age of consent was raised from twelve to thirteen, but as far as Ash was concerned it could be raised higher. No one should have to take to the streets to escape a dire circumstance. Chastity had no legal recourse and still didn’t.

  Mrs. Barrington brought nothing to her marriage to Sir Nigel except her offspring. No property or monies of any kind according to Chastity. So why did Sir Nigel marry her? If she looked anything like her children she must have been attractive. The poor woman no doubt had to take the first offer of matrimony if no male relatives existed for protection. If she held no assets, why make a will at all? It must concern the children exclusively.<
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  Ash tasked his solicitor with investigating the late Mrs. Barrington’s will. After they ascertained the contents, then they could move forward and formulate some sort of plan. What plan, Ash had no idea. Taking it to court would take months, years even. In the interim, the children could feasibly be returned to Sir Nigel or become wards of the court. Mr. Peebles also stated the sordid reasons for a change in guardianship would be aired in public with the children’s word against a knight of the realm. The squalid and sensational story would make all the papers. Not the route Ash wished to pursue.

  I could marry the girl.

  Marry? His mistress? Such an alliance was simply not done in London society, not that it hadn’t happened in the past. Such a marriage meant social ostracization for the couple and their heirs. Something to give him pause. Besides, marrying Chastity would not solve the guardianship of her siblings—or would it? The laws were such a damned muddle. So were his emotions. He dismissed the absurd thought of marriage.

  Watson, his valet, held up his formal dinner coat and Ash slipped his arms through the sleeves. After straightening the grain across his shoulders, Watson swept the coat a few times with a brush then stepped back. “Do you require anything else, my lord?”

  “No, Watson. I am fine for now.”

  The valet gave a slight bow and exited the room. Ash stood before the full-length mirror. The reflection showed he looked adequate as always. His life up to this point unfolded according to his well thought-out plan. Though he sowed his wild oats through the early part of his twenties it was not enough to concern his father or interfere with his responsibilities. After his father’s death, he became Baron Wenlock and carried on much as he did before. After all, time for settling down and seeing to an heir would be something he would consider when he turned thirty, not before. Four years yet to live life as he pleased. The title went back to the sixteenth century so he was well aware the importance of duty, heirs, and family.