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The Baron and the Mistress Page 6

  Ash assumed he would not have any difficulty procuring a suitable bride being a member of the aristocracy and very rich even if he stood on the bottom rung of the peerage ladder. He was not so sentimental as to wish for a love match. What his parents shared was rare. In truth, he would have settled for a suitable agreement of mutual benefit, visit his wife’s bedchambers until he had the heir and a spare and retire his family to the country while he lived in the city with his mistress.

  Yes. His Mistress of Shag Alley. Chastity. How she made his blood fire. There was no reason he couldn’t keep her cosseted away for his amusement for the foreseeable future. If he wished to keep her removed and separate from his life as Baron Wenlock, he must move forward with the plan of purchasing a modest dwelling for Chastity and her siblings far distant from Mayfair and London society. They could not stay hidden here. Ash frowned at his reflection in the mirror. Now he wondered if he could truly accept such a cold arrangement. Could he be as callous as all that? It seemed so. The revelation did not sit well with him. Not at all.

  Within his circle of friends there was not one he could count on, and they weren’t even friends at all more like comrades in debauchery. Since his father’s death he’d been lonely and had no one to confide in. Did he wish to have the empty, boring life of an aristocrat? Disconnected and removed from all emotion and compassion? He did try to act the part when out with the other young men, but his heart was not in it. Hell, he tried to act the part with Chastity—so far it had been a dismal failure. Why deny it? Chastity stirred his blood as no other woman before in his life. He wanted her with a fierceness that bordered on madness. Pushing her away only seemed to stir the embers more. To hell with waiting until the end of the week to move back into his rooms. He would stay the night and every night hence and she would be waiting and eager for him. Or so he hoped.

  The new wardrobes for the Armitages would not be delivered for a couple of days as yet. In the meantime, he should stop by the dressmaker to ensure a goodly amount of provocative undergarments for Chastity were added to the order. Ash closed his eyes. In his erotic vision, Chastity wore a gold corset with her plump breasts pushed up and out in invitation. Matching stockings would complete the picture, her golden-brown hair loose and flowing eager for his touch. He wanted to feed her lobster pate on delicate pastries. Take a fine Madeira and pour it over her naked breasts, lick and suck as much of the wine as he could while the rest trailed down her luscious torso like a stream after a spring rain. He wanted to feel his cock harden as the wine soaked the curling, coffee-colored hair of her quim. Follow the rivulets with his tongue and lap eagerly while the rich taste of the wine mixed with the honey sweetness of her.

  Devour, drink. Possess. Mine.

  Ash groaned as his prick stiffened at the visualization. His eyes snapped open. Despite his sensual daydream there was more at play. Regardless of his erotic imaginings, most of all he longed to protect her and hold her to his heart. Ensure nothing ever harmed her or her loved ones ever again. Guard her with his last dying breath. With a sudden and swift clarity he admitted what he tried years to deny. Lust was not the only thing that seized him violently in that damned ballroom two years past.

  It was love, too. At first bloody sight. Gripping him with a stubborn, clutching grasp. It still did. He loved her with such intense yearning his insides ached.

  Damn and blast.


  Chastity, Jon, and Hannah sat in the dining room awaiting Ash’s appearance. A sideboard filled with silver chafing dishes awaited the meal while two footmen stood nearby ready to serve. Never had she seen such a table. Two elaborate, lit candelabras adorned each end of the setting casting a golden, magical glow. Elegant white with gold trimmed china and crystal goblets added to the grace of the room. Chastity absently fingered one of the silver spoons. Too many utensils. This was beyond her knowledge and entirely too formal for her limited experience. A bleak reminder Ash lived in a stratum far above hers.

  The gown she wore was the best of the secondhand ones in her possession. While taking her seat she realized the light blue frock fit entirely too snug through the bosom. Her cleavage displayed more enticingly than she wished because of it. Well, she dressed the part of a mistress at any rate. Turning her attention from her risqué gown she glanced worriedly at Hannah. Her sister still appeared pale, thin, and drawn though seemed to be recovering from her recent chest congestion. The gown she wore was also blue, but one more befitting her young age. In the past, it was often said she and Hannah looked alike, though Hannah’s hair was lighter than her own.

  Jon sat next to Hannah, his arms crossed in defiance. Her brother made it plain he wanted to be anywhere than sharing dinner with the baron. Smartly dressed in a waistcoat and jacket far too big for him, she wondered if they were Ash’s castoffs.

  At that moment, the baron entered. Did she ever see a man who could wear clothes as well? Dressed in black, the only color visible was the white cravat tied smartly at his throat. He looked entirely confident and—handsome. He breezed into the room acknowledging the footmen’s bows and murmured orders to them. The tall, young men snapped to attention and served the first course, crab bisque. Ash sat at the head of the table then opened his napkin, laying it across his hips. A strange heat seemed to emanate from his gaze as he eyed the decanter of Madeira. Then a slight smile curved his lips as he lifted the spoon to his mouth. What he was thinking about, she couldn’t hazard to guess.

  Chastity watched Ash, fascinated at his elegant manners. Even quietly slurping his bisque aroused her. Yes, I am quite hopelessly besotted. She turned her attention to her own soup. By the time the mulled wine sorbet arrived, Ash had engaged Hannah in a lively conversation about horses. Hannah always loved them, but had no opportunity to interact with the animals in any way as they always lived in the city and did not have the means to own a carriage and horses of their own.

  “And what about you, Jon? Do you also love horses?” Ash asked politely.

  Jon looked away, a slight sneer forming at the corner of his mouth. Chastity wished she could reach under the table and give her brother a swift kick to his shin. Indeed, she did try. Alas, the table proved too wide. She glared at him, daring him to respond.

  “Jon? I am speaking to you.” Ash did not sound cross. His tone was friendly, but firm.

  “I suppose so,” Jon grumbled in response, giving a slight shrug. “I’ve never ridden one nor had lessons,” he paused. “My lord.”

  Chastity exhaled in relief. Not entirely respectful, but an adequate reply. She would have to talk to Jon again about his lack of manners. The footmen carried away the empty dishes and then served beef Wellington with shallot pudding, roasted zucchini, and carrots. The feast, so far, was fit for a king. Never had she eaten such an elegant meal.

  “I have a stable at Wenlock. My country seat is about an hour’s train ride from here not far from Worthing. If you like we can all plan a trip to Wenlock Manor. Jon, you and Hannah can satisfy your curiosity for horses. The head groom and his lads would be happy to give you both lessons.”

  Hannah broke out into excited chatter and Jon appeared shocked as if he could not believe the kind offer. A suspicious look darkened his eyes. She recognized it well enough after what they all had been through. Chastity could not blame Jon for his reaction. Trust had been beaten out of them the past two years. If she were to be honest with herself, she did not completely have faith in Ash either. The baron did nothing to rally such mistrust, but she could not help it. A small degree of caution would not go amiss. Life made her cynical and suspicious.

  Chastity cut into the beef and pastry dish and took a delicate bite. She glanced at Ash and he gave her a playful wink. Oh. The man was far too sensuous for his own good. A slight flutter of his eyelid and she reacted on cue, her insides tumbled in desire. Clearing her throat, Chastity returned her attention to the delicious food in front of her.

  The rest of the meal passed pleasantly. After a dessert of peach tarts and apple cr
umble, the governess arrived to escort the children to their rooms. Chastity stood, but Ash laid a hand gently on her arm to halt her. Her skin immediately ignited from his touch. “Could remain a moment, Chastity, if you please?”

  She sat. Ash removed his hand and refilled her wine glass as well as his own. He twirled the stem of the glass. This evening he did not wear gloves. Neither did she. “Why did you agree to this arrangement?” he asked.

  Chastity did not expect such a direct question. What could she say? She took a sip of wine. “I am not sure how to answer that query without sounding mercenary.”

  “So the only reason you accepted was the money and protection I offered. A decided blow to my masculine ego.”

  She set the wine glass on the table. “What do you wish me to say, Ash? That your kiss at the inn ignited a passion in me I did not know existed? That I find you handsome beyond words? That I liked sucking on your...your...cock? But beyond all that, you truly are a gentleman. The way you have opened your home in welcome, the courtesy you have shown Jon and Hannah, the generosity in buying the clothes, the governess, the offer of riding lessons, what man does that?” Chastity exhaled and laid her hand on top of his. “Yes, it was either go with you or starve. But this past week I’ve developed—am developing—feelings for you. I suppose a mistress should not be admitting to such emotional frailties, but there it is. I am not a proper mistress any more than I was a prossie. Also, I should not have spoken to you the way I did this afternoon. I am in your employ, but beyond that, you deserve my gratitude and respect. I am sorry.”

  Ash laced his fingers through hers and clasped her hand tight. “No need for forgiveness. I wish you to speak your mind when we are alone together. That’s why I invited you all to dinner. There must be more between us than sex. Or why go through with this arrangement at all? Besides, I am not a true gentleman, Chastity. Not like my father. Why do you suppose I was in Shag Alley to begin with? It can be argued I’m a young man unhindered and free to do as I please. Believe when I tell you—I have.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Are you telling me you are a rake?”

  A husky chuckle rumbled from his chest. “No more than you were a prostitute. I played at it. My heart was not in it.” Ash stroked the top of her hand with his thumb, the flame rolling through her body increased. “As I told you, I’ve never had a mistress before. I am no doubt making a hash of this entire situation. In fact, I know I have. I am aware I’ve acted strangely. I cannot adequately explain it. I will confess the kiss at the inn was a revelation to me as well.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’ve not experienced such intense and confusing emotions before and therefore no idea how to respond. Stupidly, I believed I should stay distant in our dealings. I now realize I do not want that kind of arrangement between us. My apologies.”

  His heartfelt confession touched her deep in an uncharted area of her soul. He cared and her insides fluttered madly at his words. Ash gazed at her with his beautiful eyes and they radiated with a tender warmth and also a burning desire. Here and in this moment, her heart tumbled and she fell a little in love with Asher Colborne. “I accept your apology.” Intense emotions. Yes, she could understand what he meant for she felt the same.

  “Allow me to make it up to you. Will you come to my room, share my bed? Allow me to make love to you?” he asked.

  Oh. Heavens, yes. Did she speak that aloud? She must have, for Ash clasped her hand and brought her to her feet. “And Chas? Bring the decanter of Madeira.”

  Chapter Nine

  They stood before each other in his private chambers, no light in the room save the fire crackling in the hearth and a lone gas lamp on the sideboard. The only time Chastity was in his room was the first night and that had been in complete darkness save the moonlight filtering in through the window. The room, a fair size, possessed a large four-poster bed. Dark walnut furniture with darker wood panels on the wall gave it a masculine look. Earthy brown and tan colors accented the curtains, rugs, and upholstery. Elegant, tidy, and handsome, much like Ash himself.

  Perhaps she shouldn’t have told him what his kiss did to her, but pretending she’d not been affected by his touch became an exhaustive struggle. After what she’d been through the last two years, she wanted to experience life and love even only in a physical way if needs must. Chastity cupped his cheek. His skin was smooth, silky, and hot with vitality.

  “Let’s not hold back, Ash. I am done acting a role. I want to feel. You make me—feel. Kiss me.” As she lowered her hand, Ash bracketed her face. His cognac-colored eyes glittered with a depth of emotion that nearly apprehended her breath. Brushing his lips across hers with a feather-soft touch he explored, nibbling her bottom lip and taking the kiss deeper by degrees. Chastity opened her mouth in invitation and he dove in, licking and tasting every inch. The kiss grew more heated and urgent. Clasping his shoulders, she boldly tangled her tongue with his. Ash slid his hands from her face to cup her behind, lifting and bringing her in against his erection. Through the layers of clothes the heat and hardness of him was heady.

  Moving away from her mouth, Ash laid hot kisses along to chin to her ear. “I could take you right now, like this, standing upright. We don’t even have to undress. I ache for you. Another part of me wants to explore every inch of your soft skin. Take my time and savor. What do you want, Chas? Tell me. I will do as you bid.”

  Against the wall reminded her too much of Shag Alley. Even now as she closed her eyes, she was transported back to the night she had surrendered her virtue for a crust of bread. The sounds and smells had overwhelmed her. That horrid man. She could not recall his face as she kept her eyes closed tight, but she could smell him. Urine and sweat wafted off him and permeated her skin. Chastity recalled for two days after she’d scrubbed herself raw trying to remove his stink off her body. His rough and calloused hands had clasped her breasts, his foul breath singed her cheeks and made her eyes water. The man had roughly thrust into her, plunging past her barrier. She remembered screaming in pain. It seemed to fuel the man’s lust as he pounded and slammed her against the brick wall so hard it tore the back of her gown. The man finished quickly, leaving her sticky, tossing coins at her feet as he stumbled drunkenly out of the alley. “’ere’s a couple o’ extra for yer virgin cunny,” he had called out as he departed.

  A few nights later, Hannah had been horrified to see bruises when she helped to scrub Chastity’s back. She had lied to her sister stating she had slipped and fallen on the cobbles. It had taken her two months and another desperate need for money to have her venture back to Shag Alley. The second man was corpulent, his stomach all but suffocating his cock. She slipped his pathetic appendage between her legs and moaned as if he had entered her. She’d seen other women in Shag Alley do the same. He’d been so drunk he hadn’t known the difference. What she did not reveal to Ash is that she’d been back a few more times after those horrible incidents. A prossie named Pearl taught her how to frig a man with her hand for a few pennies. Oh, why did these terrible memories come back now, of all times? A sob escaped Chastity’s lips, her body going limp.

  Ash stopped kissing her and stood back, his hands clutching her shoulders. “What is it? Open your eyes, Chas.”


  Damn, what happened? She bloomed in his arms like the petals of an exotic flower and then seemingly retreated. Her eyes opened and a few tears trickled down her cheeks. The misery on her face cut him to the bone. “Shag Alley,” she whispered miserably.

  How could he be such an unfeeling sod? Of course his vulgar pawing in this position would bring back her wretched recollections. Ash lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. After he laid her down, she turned on her side and curled into a ball. He lay next to her, gathered her close, and avoided pressing his erection next to her back. That she did not need to feel at this moment. Comforting her overrode his physical needs. Chastity did not sob hysterically, but trembled nonetheless.

  “You are safe here, my sweet. You w
ill never have to take to the streets again. I vow it. I am sorry for suggesting sex against the wall. I didn’t think. Forgive me.” He laid gentle kisses on her neck and cheek. Chastity sighed and snuggled closer. They remained quiet. Ash had no idea of the time until the clock on the mantel struck nine. Close to an hour passed. He had never held a woman in warm embrace for the sake of feeling the closeness of her. He’d only experienced such with the expectation or expiration of the carnal. True intimate warmth was a feeling new to Ash and for the first time he understood how a two—a man and woman in love—became a one. This revelation warmed him but then he thought of something that cooled this warmth. Was this woman in love with him?

  “I think I’m fine now, Ash,” she murmured.

  “I cannot begin to imagine what you endured the past two years. I have no tragedy in my life except as I mentioned my parents dying far too soon. I was brought up in wealth and privilege and as you said this afternoon, denied nothing. Everything handed to me because I was rich and the son and heir of a well-respected baron. But I am not some brooding man without a heart or soul. I am not tortured or damaged in any way.” He paused. “But you are. Aren’t you, Chastity?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I am. I did not know how much until you brought us here. On the streets survival occupies your thoughts, your entire life. So much of propriety falls to the wayside when you find you will do anything for a few coins. Since I’ve been here, it has given me time to reflect and remember. I want to forget.” Chastity turned toward him, trailing her trembling fingers across his chest. “I want to forget. Make me forget, Ash. Make love to me as you said.”

  A giddy sort of bliss moved through him as he softly kissed her. On a husky sigh, he then deepened it. She tasted of sweet regret and fiery passion. Ash moved lower, skimming his lips across her ample décolleté, pulling down the top of her gown to gain access to her breasts. Chastity surprised him by clasping a handful of the silk material and ripping it. The moan that left his throat sounded as if it came from a wounded animal. My God, her passion matched his. How he longed for a woman to be his equal in life, but most especially in the bedchamber. He kissed her hard and brief, then unfastened the first few hooks of her corset and ripped her chemise until her breasts were fully exposed. Chastity gave a sensual, throaty laugh that curled around his cock hardening it.