The Baron and the Mistress Read online

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  How deeply she’d slept while nestled in his embrace. To have that comfort always would be a blessing. A futile hope as this infatuation would not last, and she was not baroness material by any stretch of the imagination. No choice but to take what was offered and savor the treasured moments. Chastity straddled him, resting her hands on his broad shoulders. She rocked her hips back and forth letting his hard shaft stroke between her folds. Heat bloomed between her thighs and slowly moved through her entire body. He was heat, light, and living flame.

  She did as instructed and positioned herself above him, plunging down on his cock. He was buried inside so deep. She stilled, savoring the way Ash filled and stretched her. Closing her eyes, her groan joined Ash’s. The absolute pleasure of sitting astride him encouraged her to try different angles. Chastity leaned forward, moving fast then slow finding the best…Oh, yes. There. As she rocked her hips and became lost in the sensation, Ash pushed upward with each downward thrust of her body.

  Images flickered through her mind of ghostly figures in a future time. Chastity saw herself waiting in a room, reading. A few threads of gray were visible in her hair. Ash arrived, and despite the white at his temples, he appeared as handsome as always despite the few wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. He claimed he could only stay an hour as he must attend his son’s eighteenth birthday party. She had been his mistress for twenty years. Still he came to her. This would be her life, living for his brief stopovers. Hannah and Jon would have lives of their own, but she would live only for Ash. When he left she would weep. Bereft and alone, she would reside on the peripheral edges of his life. A heartbreaking future and not one she wanted.

  Back to the present and Chastity moaned as she couldn’t bear the thought of such a future existence. No use denying it, she was falling in love with Ash. If she allowed it, she would stay as long as he wanted her in whatever capacity. She couldn’t permit it, not ever. Perhaps pride factored in her decision, though more than likely reality did. As a member of the peerage, he could never join her life to his in a public and legal manner since she’d been ruined beyond all expectation. She whored herself. Society would not tolerate such a match. The only way she could share his life was this brief time as his mistress. Better to accept that veracity now.

  As Chastity slid up and down reaching for her release she made a promise. At the end of the year contract she would leave and find her own path. In the interim, she would keep her word. Honor dictated nothing less. Better her heart is broken in one year’s time than to be smashed to bits beyond repair decades from now. Banishing the bleak visions of her future, she vowed never to sit in a small room waiting for him with dust and cobwebs collecting on her person like a sad, lonely character in a Dickens novel. Could she do it? Or perhaps she should flee now before it was too late. Chastity cried out, throwing her arms around his neck. Ash buried his face in her tangled hair and roared as he reached his peak right after hers. The intensity of their joining. How she wanted to stay like this always with Ash hard and buried deep within her. Possessing her, merging as one.

  “Stay,” he rasped. “Sleep in my arms.”

  How tempting. But if she were to put her plan in motion, she must set a few parameters. She kissed his flushed cheeks. “I better not. Hannah comes to my room in the mornings, if I’m not there...”

  He laughed. “Do you really think the household is not aware of what we are doing? You, Chastity Armitage, are quite loud and expressive in your lovemaking.”

  “Me? You are even more so! Oh, you think we’ve been heard? How undignified!”

  Ash gave her a teasing wink and grin. “Nothing undignified about two people finding pleasure in each other.”

  Chastity moved away, but Ash held her arms firm. He moved inside her, growing hard again. “Feel me. Feel how I respond to you. Feel how intimately you clutch my cock with your sweet wetness. Such a perfect fit. If I could, I would stay buried within you always, wear you like a cloak. I sound mad.”

  No, she understood. They were obsessed with each other. When a flame burns this bright it was sure to flicker out sooner rather than later. She did not speak it aloud, but kept her observations to herself. Enjoy. Savor. Make memories. It was all they could do. That’s why it remained important for her to focus on a method for her inevitable departure. She also must think of Jon and Hannah and their well-being. “Not mad. Passionate. Love me one more time, Ash. Then I must take my leave.”

  He growled and kissed her hard. And how she gave it back, each punishing thrust of his tongue, each exploration and possession. After he rolled on a fresh sheath he laid her on her back, spread her wide, and thrust into her with a sure, slick glide. She wrapped her arms and legs around his muscular body, raising her hips to meet him. As they climaxed together, a tear rolled down her cheek. She was in love with Asher Colborne and would be until the day she died. How could she stay? But even more tragically, how could she leave?

  Chapter Eleven

  The past twenty-four hours could very well be the happiest of Ash’s life. A warm glow still covered him from last night’s passionate encounter. The new wardrobes arrived and Ash smiled at hearing Hannah’s delighted cries at the sight of her new dresses. Chastity pulled Ash to the corner of the room. “Thank you for all of this, for Hannah and Jon. And especially for me. My gowns are beautiful. And Ash, so many undergarments?”

  He leaned in close and whispered, “And you will model each and every one for me. Privately.”

  Chastity blushed prettily, causing desire to clutch his insides. How tempting it would be to throw her over his shoulder and take her to his room so she could model them at this very moment. However, other items on his agenda needed to be addressed. Ash squeezed her hand affectionately, then turned and left the sisters to enjoy their new wardrobes. He could not begin to describe the satisfaction he felt at giving them something as basic as clothing. At times it was easy to forget many went without. Today, Ash decided, he would pay a visit to Sir Nigel Barrington and see what he had to say. Ash would have to keep his temper under a tight rein nor give too much away at first. An experienced gamester did not reveal his hand until he was assured of winning.

  When Ash stepped into his study, he noticed Jon Armitage examining the many books that filled the wall-to-wall bookcases. When he spotted Ash he lowered his head and quickly headed for the door. “Wait. I would like to speak to you a moment, Jon.” Ash closed the door and motioned for the boy to take a seat in one of the leather wing chairs by the window. “Anytime you wish to borrow a book to read, please do so. I did say you could.”

  Jon’s head snapped up. “Really? You don’t mind, my lord?”

  Good God, did the lad not believe me the other day in the schoolroom? “Not at all. Your governess tells me you continue to excel at your lessons. Do you have any idea what you would like to do?”

  Jon’s thick brows knitted as if deep in thought. “I wondered, my lord, if it were possible to follow my father into law. A barrister, perhaps. Or a solicitor as he was. Though I would make sure I never made bad investments.”

  Chastity had mentioned their father brought them into abject poverty with wrong-headed investment schemes. It seemingly made an impression on Jon as well.

  “A bold ambition and a worthy one. Why not, indeed? Would you be averse to going away to school in a few months time? Perhaps Westminster or Charterhouse. Then, when you are old enough, you could apprentice to be a solicitor or we could work to have you called to the bar should you wish to be a barrister. I would sponsor you as I have connections with various law firms who would gladly foster your ambitions.”

  Jon’s eyes widened. “You would do this—for me? I’m nobody to you. Why?”

  Why indeed? He proposed a long-term commitment. Even if he and Chastity went their separate ways after the contract expired, he need not concern himself with the Armitages any longer. Perhaps he wished to help the poor boy. It would be an abject waste to have the intelligent lad flounder in a lower existence. The ch
ance he could undermine Sir Nigel appealed, even though the man still held custody of the children. Details to be worked out. Also, what Chastity had told him in confidence last night about Jon picked at his heart.

  “This is not charity. I would be investing in your career and would expect once you reach the age of majority to care for your sisters and see to their well-being. I will have to speak to your stepfather...” The look of horror that passed across Jon’s features shook him. The boy paled to the shade of chalk. So something did occur. “What happened, Jon?” he asked gently.

  “I can’t speak of it.”

  “It would stay between us, two men sharing a confidence. You have my word as a gentleman and a lord.” Ash stated.

  Jon exhaled. “You can’t tell Chastity. Ever. Promise me, my lord.”

  “I promise.”

  “Sir Nigel began to—to try and get me alone. He told me if I did certain things he would see Chastity married and take care of us. If I did not, he would throw us out into the streets. He kissed me on the lips and stuck his tongue down my throat,” Jon shuddered. “One night he pulled me into the pantry. He wanted me to...touch him.” He sobbed. “I didn’t, but I knew he would not stop at a grope in a dark cupboard.”

  If there was a special place in hell for men who took advantage of innocent children, he would see to it that fucking reprobate made it there in a timely manner. Banking his fury, he waited for Jon to collect himself.

  “He said he would come to me soon and...and...I never told Chastity many details, but she must have sensed something for she started sleeping in my room either on the floor by the door or on the settee. The night he came and tried to climb into my bed, Chastity knocked him insensible with the warming pan.”

  His admiration for Chastity raised several notches. Good for her. God, she was magnificent. This steeled his resolve to see no further harm came to these siblings. “That is the night you all ran, correct?”

  Jon nodded, and then sniffled.

  “He did not try anything else with you?”

  Jon shook his head vigorously.

  Ash laid a hand on Jon’s shoulder. “I will do all in my power to see that man never bothers you all again.” Ash declared, his voice firm and determined.

  Jon rose from the chair and encircled his arms around Ash’s waist, sniffing nosily into his waistcoat. The poor lad was starved for affection. He patted the top of Jon’s head in comfort. After what the boy went through with Sir Nigel, the fact Jon embraced him showed that trust had taken root between them. Ash was genuinely touched. “There, Jon. The worst is over. You have a home here. All is not lost.”

  “Thank you for the clothes, my lord. And everything,” Jon whispered.

  He stood embracing the young man while his heart ached not only for Jon, but for Chastity and Hannah. How many others lived in such terrible conditions? Too horrible to contemplate. Though he couldn’t save everyone, he would start with the Armitage family and then do what he could in Parliament to further the cause of women and children.

  But first, he would deal with that miserable bastard, Sir Nigel Barrington.


  Chastity left Hannah in her room surrounded by new clothes and books. She had never seen her sister so happy. As she headed toward the small library off the study, she met Grimes in the hallway.

  “Have you seen the baron?” she asked.

  “I believe his lordship stated he had an appointment with a Sir Nigel Barrington, Miss Armitage.”

  Chastity’s blood froze in her veins. He wouldn’t. After everything she’d confessed, Ash would go and meet with that deviant? To what purpose? Panic began to clutch her insides. “Thank you, Grimes,” she managed to croak. Her emotions were running amok. The proof lay in the fact her heart pounded fiercely in her chest, her breathing became ragged, and she sounded irrational to her own ears. But it didn’t matter if her thoughts were irrational. Pure fright urged her onward.

  Chastity turned and ran for the stairs. She threw open the door to Jon’s room. He lay on his bed reading a book. Quietly, she closed the door and leaned against it. “We have to leave,” she whispered harshly.

  Jon sat bolt upright. “What? Why? What has happened?”

  “Baron Wenlock has gone to Sir Nigel this very afternoon. He will be handing us back into his custody.”

  Jon stood, the book dropping to the floor. “Lord Asher said that? I can’t believe it.”

  Chastity’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Since when are you a champion for the baron?”

  Jon frowned. “Since when are you not?”

  “We must flee. I will not have us returned to Barrington,” she cried in a hoarse whisper.

  “We can’t leave! You said you have a contract...” Jon ventured.

  “Hang the contract! Quick, let me think. I have nine pounds from that first night. Ash just gave me ten pounds pin money this morning. We can take some of these clothes and sell them...”

  Jon grabbed her arms and shook her. “Sis, you are not making any sense! I just spoke to the baron not long ago in the library. He promised to look after us and promised to see I am educated at good schools so I can join the law. Are you telling me he lied?”

  Chastity rubbed her forehead, a dull ache pounded behind her eyes. She could not think straight or catch her breath. Why would he tell Jon such a fabrication? Her mind swirled in confusion.

  “He made me promise to look after you and Hannah and I gave him my word. How can I do that if we leave? How can I acquire a good education and occupation if we take to the streets again?”

  Taking a deep breath and exhaling, she cupped Jon’s cheeks. “How can we trust anyone? Think of what Sir Nigel put us through. The law is on his side, the baron told me as much! Our stepfather has legal claim on all of us and can take us back without a by-your-leave. Lord Ash is probably making arrangements as we speak to hand us over.”

  “So you don’t know why Lord Asher went there? Shouldn’t we wait and hear his side?” Jon questioned.

  Chastity tore her hands from him, her entire body trembling in fear. “No. I will not wait. I never should have told him as much as I did. Gather some clothes and be quiet about it or the governess and other servants will hear us. We have to sneak out somehow. Do it, Jon!”

  She left the room and ran to hers, closing the door. This time she would not leave without a few trinkets to barter. Chastity tiptoed into Ash’s room, found a carpet bag, then began to fill it with anything of value she could lay her hands on.

  Chapter Twelve

  After a quick trip to Mr. Peebles’s office, Ash patted his side pocket where the document lay. Deciding against a drink though he could use one, his carriage delivered him to the modest residence of Sir Nigel Barrington. He heard from Mr. Peebles that Barrington had been knighted for “service to crown”, which made him wonder if the man may have been a spy. No matter. He would stay on his guard and bank his temper. As he stood in the man’s study, Ash gazed out the window waiting for his arrival. Jon’s stark admission still haunted him. No wonder they all fled.

  Sir Nigel, wearing a respectable black wool suit, strode into the room with an arrogance that annoyed Ash. The gray at his temples and the few wrinkles around his eyes showed the man could be in his mid-forties or older. He appeared trim, healthy, and comfortable. Blast his eyes.

  “Have we met, my lord?” Sir Nigel asked with cool politeness. Barrington offered his hand, a limp and clammy handshake. Ash fought to keep the distaste from his face.

  “We have. Must be more than two years past I came to inquire after Miss Chastity Armitage. I am to understand you are her guardian.”

  The man did not even bat an eyelash. Ash watched as recognition dawned on the emotionless face. What disturbed Ash were Barrington’s eyes. They seemed lifeless, devoid of warmth and black as midnight. Very eerie. “Would you care for a drink?” Barrington offered. Ash refused. Barrington motioned to a nearby seat. Barrington sat across from him. “The chit caught your eye at a ball i
f I recall.”

  “You possess a good memory, Sir Nigel. I am afraid every young lady I have come across since then pales in comparison. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to give me her address in Scotland. I plan a trip north soon and thought I would call. Perhaps she will consent to me courting her.”

  Barrington crossed his arms. “Made that much of an impression did she?”

  “Quite. I take it Miss Chastity has not reached the age of majority, hence my coming here to ask my permission.” Ash gave him a brief smile that held no warmth.

  “Well, my lord, I cannot in good faith hand out an address to just anyone, baron or no. I have a proposal. I will write the dear girl and ask if she would be receptive to an introduction.”

  Smooth and sly. Ash knew what would happen next. Barrington would let a couple of months pass, and then regret to inform him that Chastity Armitage did not want to meet him. So sorry, old chap. Fucking bastard. “I am afraid that is not the answer I am looking for,” Ash replied in a deadly tone.

  Barrington shrugged. “The Armitage children are under my care as per the wishes of my late wife. It would be a decided insult to her memory to cavalierly toss her oldest daughter to a baron for his amusement. Find another pretty chit to fuck.”

  Ash clenched his fists, aching to leap from his chair and pound that smug face into a bloody, pulpy mess. Barrington purposely provoked him. Why? A test of some sort? “How long is the term of your guardianship? What stipulations were placed? You seemed to have shirked your duty by fostering them off on distant relatives in the wilds of Scotland.”

  “What matter is that to me? They are not my blood. Leave your address and I will write the girl. I can do no more than that,” Barrington sniffed haughtily.