The Baron and the Mistress Read online

Page 9

  Ash pulled the document from his pocket and held it between his fingers. “Sign custody over to me of the Armitage children and I promise I will not report to Scotland Yard how you abused Jon with your unwanted, amoral advances and your threats toward the girls. I am a peer of the realm. I can request and receive an audience with the Queen. My family is well known to the royal family and especially Her Majesty. Knowing my family well, my audience would be granted quickly because of more than three hundred years of faithful service. You must be aware of how she feels about sexual deviant behavior. You will have your knighthood stripped and your disgusting self tossed into Newgate Prison for the rest of your life.”

  Barrington’s onyx eyes shone with malice. “Clever. You knew all along they were not in Scotland. Where ever did you find them? It must be a juicy tale. I do not need to sign the document. Marry the obstinate bitch and custody will revert to her and you as her husband. It’s in the will. If you want her and her siblings, you have your answer.”

  Sir Nigel gave him a self-righteous look. Marriage? Chastity never said a word. Then again, she did not know the exact terms of her mother’s will.

  “But who needs marriage, make her your mistress. I’ll bet her juicy cunny is quite glorious. I’ll bet you’ve been between her thighs already. That good was she? She never was to my taste. I like mine younger and prettier. Jon is a pretty lad. Have you had him, too?”

  His gaze slid to Barrington. The man wore an arrogant and lascivious grin on his face. To hell with it, he would beat him to a bloody pulp anyway. Ash shot out of his chair and grabbed the man by the cravat slamming him to the floor. As his fist made contact with Sir Nigel’s nose, a decided crack could be heard. Blood sprayed on Barrington’s waistcoat and dribbled down the man’s chin. Sir Nigel whimpered as Ash continued to pummel his face. The butler must have heard the whimpers turn into screams, for when he opened the door he gasped in shock. Ash stood, looking down at the pathetic beast writhing on the floor.

  Ash glanced at his bare hands. They were bruised and bloody. A tooth was embedded in one of his knuckles. “Fetch Sir Nigel a physician. He’s had an accident.”

  When the butler closed the door, Ash continued his assault without a flicker of guilt.


  Chastity slipped on her coat then grasped the overloaded carpet bag. After a quick count, she had twenty-one pounds all total which would be enough to get them far away from London. Perhaps they could find employment on a farm, doing what she had no idea, but getting out of the city must be their first priority. On the bed lay a sea-green evening gown. Sighing, she trailed her fingers across the garment, reveling in the sensual feel of the silk. She would never own anything as beautiful again. Glancing at the other pieces of clothing on the bed, she choked back a sob. Ash must have spent a fortune. The extravagance!

  Her rational mind tried to say, why would the man spend such money if he was planning to hand you all back to Sir Nigel? But coherent and sensible thoughts were not ruling her at the moment, she ran on pure, unadulterated fright. She walked to the bed and touched the gold corset. Last night had been wonderful. The gentle and tender way in which Ash comforted her and loved her would stay with her the rest of her days. Again she ignored her rational mind as it stated: Why would he treat you lovingly if he planned to hand you over? Nothing mattered, not common sense, rational thought, or her love for Ash. All she could focus on, all she could think of?—to escape. She wiped a wayward tear from her cheek and sprinted toward the door.

  It opened and Ash stood in the doorway. He was pale, his eyes a little wild. Blood dripped from his handkerchief-wrapped hands and crimson spatters were visible on his waistcoat. Chastity cried out, dropped the carpet bag, and ran to his side. She lifted his swollen and bloody hand. Bruises already rose to the surface of the skin. One knuckle was split and bleeding profusely. “Ash, what happened?”

  He seemed to be in a daze. “Are you going somewhere?” His gaze slid to the bag. “You are leaving me?” Ash stumbled.

  Chastity slid her arm about his waist and led him to the nearby chair. Worriedly, she ran to the basin and poured fresh water in it. Chastity carried the basin and the cloth and placed it on the table next to the chair then knelt at his side. He remained stock-still and eerily silent. “Oh, Ash. Please tell me what happened!” She dipped the cloth in the water and dabbed at the blood.

  “I paid a visit to Sir Nigel. We had a slight disagreement.” he replied hoarsely.

  Slight? Sir Nigel must not have landed any punches as Ash’s face remained free from any sign of a fight. Ash reached in his side pocket with his free hand and winced at the pain. He held a folded piece of paper out to her. “I made sure he was still able to grip a pen, though barely. He signed over custody of you all to my keeping. Perfectly legal. You are free from Sir Nigel. All of you.”

  Shock caused her to drop the cloth and reach for the parchment with both hands. They trembled as she unfolded it and read through the paragraphs. A lot of legalese she had no clue about, but sure enough at the bottom of the page the shaky signature of Sir Nigel Barrington along with two drops of blood stood out.

  “I did try to keep my temper, but it was a miserable failure. I beat the man quite bloody. I had not lost control like that before and while the prospect disturbed it was also damned satisfying.” He smiled sheepishly.

  “You did this for me... for all of us?” She whispered. “What does it mean?”

  “You are all under my care until you all reach the age of majority. It is legal. My solicitor made sure it would stand up to official scrutiny.” Ash shifted in his seat and groaned in pain. Chastity laid the paper on the table and then continued to blot away the blood on his hand. “Where were you going, why were you leaving? Tell me, Chastity.”

  “I...I...asked Grimes where you had gone and when he mentioned Sir Nigel’s name I’m afraid I reacted rather badly. Oh Ash, I thought you were making arrangements to hand us back to that vile man.”

  The hurt that mixed with the pain already showing on his face caused a few tears to spill down her cheeks. “After everything you told me, after all we shared; you truly believed I would be so callous and unfeeling as to do such a horrid thing? Did you not tell me you trusted me with your very life and with the lives of Jon and Hannah? And this is how you react?”

  Chastity could hear the incredulous agony in his voice. She laid her head in his lap, the tears falling faster. “Please forgive me, Ash. I can’t explain why I reacted so. Deep down I do trust you. Yet cold fear gripped me tight and would not let go, and it pushed out any logical thought. I am so sorry. I can only suggest it is a result of our living on the street and always seeing danger at every turn.”

  He said nothing at first, and then ran his fingers through her hair in a soothing manner. “I believe I can try to understand. You did tell me it was hard to trust, and after what you all have been though, I cannot blame you. I should have told you my plans. But you should have given me the benefit of the doubt.”

  She nodded, sniffling as she did. “I know. Jon told me that very thing in no uncertain terms. I think I have been affected by the past couple of years more than I thought. I acted irrationally. Forgive me, Ash?”

  “Yes. Of course.” he said softly. And after a few moments, “I’ve been thinking. I cannot keep you all hidden away in this townhouse for eternity. We should see to your re-entry into society and come up with an explanation for your absence and a solid, logical reason you are all with me.”

  She sat back and looked up at him. “I was hardly ‘out’ in society. A few weeks at best. Besides, you have done so much already. How we can repay you, I do not know.”

  “I did not do this for payment or praise,” Ash replied in a quiet tone.

  “I know, Ash. You see, I do not wish to be seen as an object of pity or seen as a victim. I am not a weak woman, yet I cried and trembled in your arms last night. Look how I reacted this afternoon. Perhaps I am not as strong as I believe.”

ay I think of you with admiration for your bravery? For having the intestinal fortitude to do what had to be done to keep you all safe and alive? And that includes taking me up on my insulting and disrespectful offer to be my mistress.”

  “I accepted gladly. I am grateful for the chance to leave that horrid place. I will be your mistress for the term of the contract. There is no place I would rather be.” Chastity spoke the truth. She loved him enough to stay within the terms they set up at the beginning. The vows she made to herself last night still held strong and firm in the cold light of day. After one year she would move on and leave, then Ash could find a woman worthy to be his wife. It would not be her for he deserved a life free of speculation and ridicule, and it would be if she stayed with him longer than the tenure agreed upon. But until then, Chastity would love him with everything she had.

  “Reach in my coat pocket.”

  Chastity set aside the cloth and tunneled her hand in his right pocket and pulled out a small blue velvet box. Opening it, she gasped. A gold cross with a small diamond in it, very much like the one her parents had given her long ago.

  “I am not sure if it is similar to the one you had to sell, but I wanted you to have a suitable replacement.”

  “Oh. It’s beautiful. Thank you,” she whispered, a lump of emotion lodging in her throat.

  “There is something else I want. Would you consent to be my wife?”


  Ash waited for her answer. Chastity’s lovely mouth dropped open. It seems he shocked her. Why not? He wanted her with him always, at his side and in his bed. He loved her. Completely and without prejudice. She was the very air he breathed.

  After he visited with Mr. Pebbles and before going to Barrington’s, he slipped into the nearby jewelers on a whim, hoping he could find a necklace like the one she described. While there he also looked at wedding rings. In truth, he could inform her of the will and all he needed to secure guardianship was to marry her, but that reason did not even factor in his decision in asking her to be his wife. Not in the least. After she left him shortly after two in the morning, he’d lain awake the rest of the night and formulated his plans. Their sweet and heated lovemaking finally brought his confused emotions into a decided, clear lucidity. For all his parents had done to give him an honorable upbringing, at his core he acted as an arrogant aristocrat when he offered to make her his mistress. Since he reached the age of majority he behaved as other young men in his circle. His father never admonished him, Ash wished now he had. There was much to make up for. This woman, who he loved fiercely, deserved his respect.

  Chastity remained silent still staring at the necklace, so he forged ahead. “I will take you all to Wenlock Manor and out of the temporary scrutiny of society. The children can continue their lessons and I will tell all and sundry I met you at the ball two years ago and could not get you out of my mind. It is not a lie. You have haunted my thoughts many a night since I first laid eyes on you.” He gave her a warm smile. “We began a correspondence and now I have brought you here to be my wife. Your reputation will be unstained. Sir Nigel will not say a word except to back up my story. He knows what will happen if he does not.” Chastity said nothing, just continued to stare at jeweler’s box in her hand. “My love, have I shocked you into stupefaction?” Ash asked, his voice soothing.

  “You cannot marry me. I am not suitable, I whored myself...”

  Ash clasped her arms and lifted her into his lap. He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers with a gentle motion as they still throbbed in pain. “No one is aware of that fact and no one will ever find out. Not even Barrington knows.”

  She gazed up into his eyes. “But you know.”

  “And you think that will be a barrier between us? Never. My brave girl, I love you. Absolutely worship you. I think I have from the moment I saw you at the ball. I did not know how much until I brought you here. I want you to be my wife, my lover, my dearest friend.” He kissed her pale cheek. “Hannah and Jon will want for nothing. In fact, I’ve already spoken to Jon about going away to school. He is quite keen. If he does well, why not attend Oxford University when the time comes?” He gave her reassuring smile. “Jon will be fine, Chastity. Put any worries from your mind. Your worst fears did not come to pass. Perhaps one day he will be ready to speak of it to you. He’s a valiant lad and ready to move forward with his life. Are you ready to move forward with yours? Can you trust me?” She did not answer, but he could see the tears gathering on her golden lashes. He continued, “Hannah will have a proper coming out. If she grows to be as beautiful as you, she will have a line of suitable beaus queuing up to court her. I will see to it she has a generous dowry...”

  Chastity laid a finger on his lips to silence him. “You love me?”

  “With all my heart and soul. With every fiber of my being. To the very marrow...”

  Chastity kissed him hard and with an aching passion that vibrated through him and joined his own. The kisses grew frantic until at last she pulled away, laid the jewelers box in her lap, then cupped his cheeks with her trembling hands. “I love you too, Ash. Quite desperately. And I promise to trust you in all things. I will marry you, do whatever or say whatever it takes. Last night I vowed to myself I would stay the length of the contract only. I did not want to be hurt because I had fallen deeply in love with you. Will this work?”

  “My sweet, yes. We are perfect for each other. You are the woman of worth I have been waiting for.”

  She embraced him tight. “Thank you about Jon and Hannah. I think they are fond of you already. How could they not? Jon spoke quite vehemently in your defense. I suppose we should pack.”

  Ash laughed and nuzzled her neck, whispering words of love in her ear. He absolutely adored her. His love—his life—forever.

  About the Author:

  Karyn lives in a small town in the western corner of Ontario, Canada. She whiles away her spare time writing and reading romance while drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. Tortured heroes are a must. A multi-published author with a few bestsellers under her belt, Karyn loves to write historicals, particularly in the Victorian era, though she also writes contemporaries. As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden.

  Karyn’s been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement keeps her moving forward.


  You can also visit Karyn at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tsu.


  BOLD SEDUCTION from Kensington Publishing/Lyrical Press

  TIMELESS HEART from KG Publishing